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Rate Increase

From the Manager:

As the manager of James Kimzey Regional Water, I wanted to inform our customers about the new rate increase that is taking effect on July 1st, 2023. In 2021 the state legislature passed Senate Bill 386 which became Act 605 “TO AMEND THE LAW CONCERNING RETAIL WATER PROVIDERS AND RELATED SERVICE”.


The link above will take you to the web site that explains Act 605 and its requirements.

James Kimzey Regional Water has just completed their rate study from an approved provider, and the rates will take affect July 1st, 2023. The main reason for the increase is due to increases in maintenance, supplies (pipe and repair parts), chemical cost to treat the water and increased fuel cost. The increase is not a large amount, but it is needed to maintain the utility as well as continue to upgrade the utility for the future. The rates will be listed on our web site, and as always, if you have any questions feel free to call our office anytime.



Jeff Ford